A step ... a minute ... a life ...

Join me in an adventure. Let these moments transend time. Take off your shoes, and stay a while!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Blue Like Jazz V1.1.0

So, I am sitting down at home finally - its 12:27 AM and I have to be on site at 7:00 AM, but for my friends I will sacrifice the sleep for this blog. But it is also a thunderstorm, so tommorow will be a very very slow day!

I want to say this now before I get into a series of blogs that may give you the wrong impression. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ, and that He died for me on the cross and rose again 3 days later. It would take ALOT for this fundamental truth in my life to degrade. With this being said the book Blue Like Jazz has really made me think, and I have learned alot about my walk with God and how it isn't what I thought it was.

I have troubles with getting things for free. I have troubles with getting sometime that I don't deserve, to the point that I get less than what I deserve [I am getting better at this]. I have problems putting my problems in my life before God until they get too big for me to handle. I have a big problem with grace!

In engineering I am used to seeing where everything came from. One thing affects the other because of a simple relationship. Energy inside the system is conserved. When God shows me grace its like energy is being randomly added to the system - this doesn't add up! I can't get why a man could decide to come to earth, live out His life in a place like this, and then be killed for doing no wrong - all of this to rid me of the devils grip on me. This is grace.

How can my mind rationalize that a man would stick around with me when I just break his heart! How could this man still love me after this! It doesn't add up!

When I was younger I just saw with my eyes how things worked, and I accepted it. Now I try to understand everything - it could be my fatal flaw. I can't explain it. Just like I can't explain light. I can tell you theories about light - but I can't say that, "light is ...". I will probably never be able to explain either, but I will benifit from both of them with life. Light provides everything on earth that I need; and Gods grace provides everything after I die, as I am covered by his grace.

So this is where I am at with grace; a whole lot of musings. I would keep on going but it will be 1:00 AM before I get to bed, and 5.5 hours of sleep is a bare minimum to operate the next day.

Keep me in your prayers and I go through this stage of my life.

Andrew. B.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blue Like Jazz V1.0.0

My most amazing friend Cait [henceforth known in this blog as Caike, or at least I'll try to use this more than the natural spelling of Cait] informed me, well more accuratly dictated to me that I was to read the book "Blue Like Jazz". As many of you know I do not read much - by any strech of the imagination - so this was quite a 'request' of her to make. After trying to borrow the book from her, but it had seemed that Jess - Caikes most wonderful younger sister - had indefinatly borrowed Caikes copy of it.

Thus I had a descision to make; either I had to wait for Jess to release her hold of the book, or else I had to but it. So after much deliberatoin, and mostly alot of impatience I decided that I would buy the book.

It gets better though. As I rarely do things half heartedly, I decided to buy all 3 Donald Millar [the author of Blue Like Jazz]. As I started to read Blue Like Jazz I was amazed at how this book immediatly drew my attention. I am foreign to this idea of reading, and it seemed to turn into an addiction overnight. With 2 slow days at work I was able to read 9 chapters each day, and for a 20 chapter book thats pretty darn good!

So I will not bore you in one post about the greatness of Blue Like Jazz, instead I will move on and come back to this literary masterpiece.

In other news, I have been so very busy at work! Not that this is anything new. Its the same old story there, just long hours, and alot of days.

So thats my life: reading and working.

Christ be with you.

Andrew. B.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Just musing

As the title suggests, this is not one of my "deeper" posts, but none-the-less it should be interesting to see where it goes.

So as many of you know, I am lucky enough to be employed through the Co-op program at the UofA. I work for a company called AMEC Earth and Enviromental, and it was great. Yes, thats right I said it was great! It started off most brilliantly, but then as time moved on it got more and more [pause] well [pause] stressful and demanding. In my longest week I was required to work 83 hours, and in my longest streach I worked aproximatly 24 days straight. Not to mention, now I don't even work with my co-workers as I did near the beginning of my work term, now I almost feel like an outcast when I go into the office. So all this has created an interesting situation to say the least.

I haven't been able to enjoy many aspects of summer as I have been too busy working. I can't plan anything [and I know all of you "random" people don't see this as an issue {ahem} Cait, Rob, ect. But for me that is gigantic].

Anyways I just came home to check my mail and such as I am officially still at work.

So back I go, to the stress of it all. But I just need to keep telling myself, "I don't get paid enough to stress!"

This is me, signing out for another day!

Andrew. B.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just a thought

Well, this is where it's at! I have joined the ranks of the people who keep up two different blog's. I have not yet determined what I want to do with this blog; but as it is much better with its interface of text with pictures than silly MSN Spacs, I may use my pictures in a more active sense.

But stay tuned! Not that anyone has this address yet, but someday you may, and you can read this :)

In Christ,

Andrew. B.